How is customs inspection conducted?

Customs Inspection

How is customs inspection conducted?Customs inspection is an indispensable and important component of import and export customs clearance work.This article will provide you with an overview of what customs inspection is and how the workflow is carried out.

What is customs inspection?

Customs inspection is a process by which customs officers check the goods that are being imported or exported to ensure that they comply with all legislative provisions. Customs inspection may also be conducted in order to verify whether the appropriate tariffs and taxes have been paid on the goods, as well as to identify any prohibited items.

The customs inspection process can be divided into two stages:

1. Physical inspection

– This stage is carried out by a customs inspector who will physically examine the goods and check for any irregularities or defects. The purpose of this inspection is to ensure that the goods being imported or exported are in accordance with all legislative provisions, as well as to verify whether they are authentic and genuine.

2. Administrative inspection

– This is the second stage of the customs inspection process, where the importer or exporter will be asked to provide proof that they are complying with all legal requirements. This may include providing evidence that they have paid any taxes, tariffs on imported goods, and/or proving that they have obtained permission from relevant government agencies to import certain items into a country.

customs inspection

What do customs inspections check for?

The aim of a customs inspection is to make sure that all imported goods are legal and legitimate. They can check the following:

The origin of the goods

– If you are importing or exporting goods, it is important to know where they come from. This will determine whether they need to be taxed or if there are any restrictions on what can be imported into your country.

The weight, volume or value of the goods

– Customs officials may also want to check how much weight or volume your items have so they can calculate any taxes due on them.

The condition of the goods

– Customs officials will also want to make sure that your items are not damaged or broken. If they are, you may have to pay extra taxes because your goods will be seen as less valuable than if they were in good condition.

The contents of the package

–If you import or export liquids and other substances, customs officials will want to know what is inside. This way they can check if there are prohibited items such as drugs or weapons hidden inside.

Attached documents

For customs officials, it is important to have all the documents of the goods before releasing them into circulation.

customs inspections
customs inspections

How does customs inspection work?

Customs inspection is a process that allows customs officials to inspect goods that are being imported or exported. It is important for you to know what the process entails and how it works so you can prepare in advance.

1. Make an appointment with customs officials.

This can be done by filling out the form at the front desk of the post office or airport. When you arrive, you will need to show your passport, visa and other documents required by law.

2. Declare everything that is in your suitcase.

You will need to tell customs officials about any items that are not allowed into the country you are going to, such as prescription drugs or firearms.

3. Pay the import tax.

You will also need to pay a tax if you are bringing in goods that are not allowed into the country.

4. Get a sticker on your passport before you leave.

This will show that you have paid the import tax and can leave the country without further problems with customs officials.

Customs Inspection

Chinese Customs Inspection

In China, Chinese customs officials inspect all incoming luggage. This process usually does not exceed 30 minutes and is a quick and simple manual inspection of luggage. You do not need to open any bags or boxes unless there are sufficient reasons to suspect that they contain prohibited items. If discovered, Chinese customs officials have the right to confiscate any illegal or prohibited items. You will not be allowed to leave China until the legal process is completed. In many cases, this may take several months and result in your flight being cancelled by the airline.

What about the customs inspection fees and time?

The customs inspection fees and time depend on the airport you are flying from and the destination of your flight. At some airports, there is no fee for the customs inspection. In other cases, you may need to pay between RMB 100 (US$14) and RMB 200 (US$28).

The customs inspection time varies depending on the airport and flight status; Most passengers will pass through Chinese customs within 15 to 30 minutes.

What items are usually seized during customs inspection?

The definition of prohibited goods in customs inspections varies from country to country. So let’s take a look below and see what items cannot be taken with customs inspections in various countries.

prohibited goods


1. Various weapons, simulated weapons, ammunition, and explosives;

2. Forged currency and forged securities;

3. Printed materials, films, photos, films, audiotapes, videotapes, laser discs, compact discs, computer storage media, and other items that are harmful to China’s politics, economy, culture, and morality;

4. Various potent poisons;

5. Opium, morphine, heroin, marijuana, and other addictive drugs and psychotropic substances;

6. Fresh fruits and vegetables of the Solanaceae family, animal products, animal carcasses, soil, genetically modified biological materials, related animals and plants and their products, and other quarantine items;

7. Food, medicine, or other items that are harmful to the health of humans and animals, come from epidemic areas, and can transmit diseases;


1. Chinese herbal medicine and certain supplements

2. Meat, livestock, poultry, eggs, seasonings

3. Vegetables, fruits, and seeds

4. Fake brand names, pirated books, and audiovisual products


Meat, eggs, milk, instant noodles


1. Drugs such as stimulants and hallucinogens

2. Bad information, including illegal pornographic images and texts

3. Medicines

4. Prescription drugs

5. Food and ecological products

Customs Inspection

What if your goods are detained by customs?

If your goods are detained by customs, you should immediately contact the agency to which they were consigned. You may also be required to provide additional information and documents in order to release them. If you fail to provide the required information and documents, your goods may be destroyed or seized by customs. This can result in significant financial losses for you.

Takeaway: Customs inspection can be stressful, but you can help the process go more smoothly by keeping the customs office informed.

Maxtop Tech is a China sourcing company and supply chain assistance management company. Our service for buying office is help our customers to import goods from China more smoothly, more simple. more time-saving.


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